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Free Keyword Position Checker

Search Engine Optimization

Keyword Position Checker

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Keywords :

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About Keyword Position Checker

The keywords and the website sometimes resemble a real relationship: constant ups and downs. However, patterns can often be detected in these fluctuations, which vary from industry to industry or page to page. To have easy success with a difficult keyword, it is crucial to know when the relationship started.

A keyword position checker is a tool used to detect the position of a website or URL in a search engine (especially Google) for a given keyword, as well as to compete with other websites with the same keyword.

In a clear and fast way, the keyword position is the classification or rank that a website occupies in search engines, in relation to other competing websites, for a given keyword.

The goal of any SEO experienced website owner or advertiser is always to capture and maintain any of the 3 most coveted positions in SERPs. To do this, you need to know who is positioned where. That way, you can design an effective SEO strategy to achieve your goals.